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There are many misconceptions among people related to yoga and health. When we talk about building strength, high-intensity workouts and weightlifting are considered to be the most effective ones. Individual’s mind is occupied with, “You can not build strength through yoga, dismissing the fact of mere flexibility practice.” But this misconception overlooks the profound aspect of yoga – it helps transform your mind and body.

It is an eye-opening fact people do yoga for strength-building. Stay till the end of the blog to unwind your thoughts and know how yoga builds strength.

Strength Building in Yoga

Strength build

We all know that strength is not all about muscle mass it envisages other factors like balance, functional strength, and endurance. Yoga encompasses body weight as resistance, promoting strength and endurance through controlled movements.

In yoga, many poses or asanas involve different muscle groups, often in ways traditional strength training does not. You can find many beginner yoga poses for strength on our website Yoga Base. 

Benefits of Building Strength with Yoga

Benefits of Building Strength with Yoga

The advantages of building strength with yoga are inevitable. It includes the best yoga poses for building strength and muscle. There are a few benefits of building strength with yoga like –

  • Flexibility – It makes the body more flexible including loosening and tightening of muscles hence, resulting in fewer injuries.
  • Build muscle strength – Yoga is the best for building muscle strength. It pushes muscular endurance resulting in robust muscles.
  • Reduce stress – It encourages the release of happy hormones in the body like endorphins, dopamine, etc. ultimately, resulting in reducing stress.
  • Improves posture – Various asanas like cobra pose, mountain pose, and others help keep the back, neck, and whole body in shape.
  • Others – It also improves balance and builds resilience, and mind-body connection.

Yoga Poses That Build Strength

If you are scratching your head as to how to build strength with yoga, we will let you know –

  • Cobra pose This pose uses your back, neck, hamstrings, abdomen, and shoulders, revamping blood circulation.
Cobra Pose
  • Warrior pose It strengthens the core, and legs, building endurance and improving balance.
Warrior Pose
  • Chair poseIt works on the core, thighs, and upper body, turning it into a powerful strength builder.
Chair pose
  • Plank poseIt works on arms, core, and shoulders, offering a full-body workout.
Plank Pose
  • Chaturanga Dandasana (Four-Limbed Staff Pose) – This is a push-up type that builds arms and shoulders while requiring core stability.
Chaturanga Dandasana
  • Boat poseIt works on the core, legs, arms and hips.
Boat Pose

Incorporating Strength Building into Your Yoga Routine

To get the full-fledged benefits of strength training yoga poses, you need to incorporate it into your daily life.  Your aim should be to have affixed poses that compliment your goal of yoga for strength building. It starts with a balance of dynamic movements and holds. You can also start with a simple plank pose for 30 seconds and gradually increase the intensity as you build strength.

Moreover, you can explore beginners’ yoga poses for strength on our website Yoga Base, a series of asanas ensuring stability in your body and mind.

Tips for Maximising Strength Gains in Yoga

If you have started practising the best yoga poses for building strength and muscle, here are quick ways to amplify them –

  • Be consistent with your yoga practice.
  • Push your limits and try to practise advanced poses or hold them for longer to initiate muscle growth.
  • Modify the poses and be careful of your body’s limits.
  • To enhance additional strength, try using weights or resistance bands but in the presence of a trainer.
  • Pay heed to proper body alignment to avoid any injury and to maximising the effectiveness of each pose.
Tips for Maximising Strength Gains in Yoga

The Role of Breath in Strength Building

Breath plays a crucial role in yoga poses. Conscious breathing with yoga poses will help you build strength. On the one hand, where inhaling can form stability and space in a pose, exhaling will contribute to deepening focus and engagement. Mindful breathing will assist in activating the muscles and balance the engagement throughout your practice session.

If the connection between the mind and the body is robust, you will ultimately observe better coordination and performance. Thus, challenging poses with breath awareness build your overall body strength.


Yoga can transform lives. Ignoring all the misconceptions, hop on to our website today to get experienced trainers and best-in-class yoga facilities to make your yoga experience the best. We aim to help individuals harness the power of yoga for strength building, hence carving out the better version of yourself. Get enrolled today!