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A Lady Posing Hatha Yoga

The Hindu scriptures define yoga as the combination of all types of human energies. Even if you take all the poses and asanas into context, they are just a small part of the broader scheme of things. There are a total of 8 yoga forms, and among them, hatha yoga is considered to be the most difficult. 

Yogis who successfully practice hatha yoga poses are regarded as the most advanced hatha yogis. Even if we talk about comparing the convenience with other workouts, yoga can be practiced at any place and at any time. 

If we talk about doing simple yoga asanas, there is no need for any equipment to do them. However, at the same time, it’s also important to be focused and alert when you perform yoga.  The body and mind need to be in a balanced state, so that both can communicate with each other during yoga. 

In this post, we will explore more about hatha yoga, what are the benefits it offers, and how certain set of principles govern this yogic form. 

What is Hatha Yoga?

The word ‘Hatha’ is an amalgamation of two different words in Sanskrit, where ‘Ha’ means sun, and ‘tha’ means moon. By extension, Hatha yoga means using the union of multiple energies to establish proper balance in your body. 

From the perspective of a proper definition, hatha yoga is a strong and focused practice aimed at establishing control over your mind and senses. Hatha yoga is very different from other yoga forms, in the sense that its ultimate objective is to attain a state of samadhi. Considered as the highest form of yoga, it is mostly practiced by the naga-sadhus of India. 

What are the Benefits of Hatha Yoga?

There are many benefits of hatha yoga among which there are a few of the most important ones. They are listed below:

  • Hatha yoga helps in the relaxation of muscles.
  • It lends strength to bones as well as the joints. 
  • It helps in the growth of pelvic muscles.
  • Hatha yoga cleanses the body and blood.
  • It boosts the functioning of the heart.
  • Hatha yoga improves the gut health and metabolism.
  • It boosts the immunity. 

Hatha yoga also offers multiple spiritual benefits as well. Have a look:

  • Hatha yoga promotes the state of calm and inner happiness. 
  • There is less connection with materialism.
  • Hatha yoga leads to awareness of the inner being.

When it comes to mental benefits as well, hatha yoga offers a lot:

  • It balances the body and mind, and creates an equilibrium between the two.
  • Hatha yoga energizes the senses. 
  • Hatha yoga leads to better alertness.
  • It enhances the power of concentration.

The Spiritual Importance of Hatha Yoga

The Spiritual Importance of Hatha Yoga

As far as the spiritual importance of practicing hatha yoga is concerned, there are quite a few that many people are unaware of. While practicing the asanas increase the body heat, the breathing exercises in hatha yoga help to cool it down, helping you get a better hold of your senses and bring inner peace.

However, the health benefits involve a larger part of the hatha yoga benefits, which is a big deal too. 

When the body temperature increases during hatha yoga poses, it helps in releasing all the physical stress in the nerves, muscles, and bones. On the other hand, the cooling process through breathing relaxes the mind and helps in attaining a balance of energy. However, it’s important to keep in mind that proficiency in hatha yoga takes years, but the importance is to keep at it. 

What are the Principles of Hatha Yoga?

There are six basic principles that govern the practice of hatha yoga, and working and adhering to them ensures the right way to practicing it. 

Have a look:

  • Asana

The posture that sages attain to do their meditation is known as asana. You can also think of it as the physical body posture and its exercise performed to cleanse the body.

  •  Pranayama

Pranayama involves the process of taking control of your breathing, which is also a very critical part of attaining control on your senses. 

  • Pratyahara

Freeing the mind from the stress that arrives with a materialistic thinking is referred to as pratyahara. 

  • Dharana

Dharana involves the practice of focusing the mind around an aim. 

  • Dhyana

Dhyana is the practice of meditation and concentration of mind to unearth your inner knowledge.

  • Samadhi

The ultimate freedom from the universe, and its cycle of brith and death is referred to as samadhi. 


Are You Looking for a Great Yoga Experience in London?

If you are looking to embrace yoga and experience its benefits first hand, then YogaBase is the perfect destination for you. You can choose from a multitude of yoga classes that suit your requirements.

To know about the classes that YogaBase conducts, Visit yogabase website.