Yogabase London

The Best Yoga Studio in North London

Finding the perfect yoga studio in London can be overwhelming, given the city’s rich wellness options. Whether you’re a long-time yogi or just starting, choosing the right space is key to enhancing your practice. London boasts a vibrant yoga community with studios offering various styles, atmospheres, and experiences.  In this blog, we’ll guide you through […]

Dynamic Yoga Classes at Top Studios in London

Dynamic Yoga – Introduction Over time, yoga has become an expansive concept, covering a wide range of movements, properties, and attributes that have garnered a global presence with its abilities to make healthy well-being accessible to all. Two distinct styles, however, have evolved when it comes to yoga: one is the dynamic yoga, or the […]

Which Yoga Training is Right for Me?

Which Yoga Training is Right for Me_

When we talk about yoga, we don’t take into consideration the fact that instead of a single branch, multiple types of yoga help you establish the right balance and strength, helping you relax all the tension, reduce the noise in your mind, and relax. In case you are a beginner looking to start with their […]

Best Yoga Poses for Back Pain

Best yoga poses for back pain

Back pain has quickly become one of the most common health issues in recent times. Bad posture, staying seated for long hours, and many other lifestyle aspects have contributed to this spike.  If you are also struggling with constant back pain, then yoga might offer just the perfect solution here. Yoga has for a long […]

Yoga for Stress Relief | Yogabase London

The modern lifestyle has left everyone with less time for themselves, and this pace has taken a physical and mental toll. Every day is busy with waking up early, studying, helping friends, and making decisions. It can be overwhelming to handle everything in just one day! This everyday routine has made stress and health-related issues […]

What is yoga, Origin, Benefits, Types and Researches

Definition of Yoga & Brief Overview of Yoga’s Origins Yoga, an ancient practice rooted deep in Indian culture, has spread worldwide over time. It’s more than just physical poses – yoga is a comprehensive system that brings harmony to the mind, body, and spirit. This ancient Eastern discipline has become a global phenomenon, touching the […]

Meditation vs Yoga, Types & Differences

Inner peace is becoming more and more difficult in the modern rhythm, with constant stress and distractions. That is when you can see the difference between two ancient ways to find this peace in the craziness of everyday life – meditation and yoga. As we embark on the path of self-discovery, we come to a […]

Balancing Work-Life with Yoga

a women doin yoga outdoor with text Balancing Work Life with Yoga

How does yoga create balance in your life ? Ever fe­el you’re juggling too much? With work, family, and personal time­, it might feel like you’re­ endlessly tee­tering. But, don’t worry, you have a secre­t tool: Yoga. This old practice is not just about flexing and stretching. It’s about stability in all areas of life. […]

9 Basic Yoga Poses for Beginners

banner for guide to 9 basic yoga poses for beginners

Starting a yoga practice begins with learning basic yoga poses, creating a solid base for future growth. The practice of yoga offers a transformative journey for individuals of all levels, and for those new to this ancient discipline, establishing a solid foundation is key. We will go over the top 9 yoga poses for beginners in […]